I have had a taste for waffles and decided to get this gadget. Not a high end model but at least it was not made in Japan. Heats up quickly and cleans up in a snap.

Nonstick and the waffles just slide out. This one is not perfect because I did not put in enough batter. You need at least two ladles full of mix to cover the griddle.

The first time I made waffles I used whole wheat flour and Ty did not like the heaviness especially before a ride so I bought this stuff at William Sonoma. Supposedly they make these kind of waffles at Disney World and are tasty. So if kids like um I am sure Ty will too! The ingredients were not too bad, wheat flour, corn flour and the malt powder which is the secret. $10.00 a can a hefty price. By the way while I was in William Sonoma they had some high end waffle makers that priced at $200.00. I could see if you have ten kids and were making them on a daily basis, but come on?

They taste really good and just one filled me up. Tasted restaurant style with a bit of sweetness. So if you have a waffle iron I would suggest you try it.
Christine, not to give too much information about my domestic side away, but I've been rockin' the waffle iron for the past eight years, since I inherited my parents' old one...I've been using a recipe that's been passed down, but I haven't tried the wheat flour yet. It's a great way to start a long weekend ride. So when are we all meeting at Tyrine’s for a pre-group-ride waffle breakfast??
hey share that recipe and I'll plan the bike ride starting from my house out to Pewaukee lake. In fact that is where I am headed now.
see ya!
My mom was crazy about these waffle makers too. She bought like three then finally made her mind up.
Sounds good, Christine. I'll e-mail you soon.
i keep thinking about this waffle maker and waffles ever since reading this post. i had the urge to go buy one last night and then head to the mall for the waffle mix. in fact i see myself doing this like tonight or something.
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