I got a call from an old high school friend telling me she is having another one of her kick ass parties this weekend. Marlene lives in the hip 3rd ward in one of those trendy condos that over look the river. Captain and I always love a good party especially seeing old friends. There is nothing like reliving the 80's and all those bitter sweet memories of distant past. Yes, I grew up in the age when we fashioned the REAL MULLET and it is still going strong among some of us.

The Hostess, Marlene

One of my coolest friends Greg who always lives on the cutting edge.

Still a fashion statement

The beer of the 80's
The weekend was so long without a WORS race and it sure was nice to get a few things done and enjoy life, which I do have aside from the bike. I made another pot of chili this time which is a real good basic recipe with ground turkey instead of ground beef. I would love to share this with everyone, but it look s like a lot of rain this week and trail riding may be impossible. We continued to kept busy doing chores around the house and that never ending bathroom remodel project that keeps hanging on forever it seems. I told Captain the medicine chest needs to be a bit lower so more demolition continued.

Window washer for hire
I was able to sneak in a nice long MTB ride Saturday morning after I finished cleaning all the windows on the inside of the house. The weather was perfect and the trails were in the best shape. Fall adds icing on the cake for riding and it was sure a pleasure to ride and enjoy the fitness I have. I think you can take for granted race after race what fun riding can be with the number plate off.

New Bridge Crossings in a few areas where it tends to mud up is a sure welcome.
Keeping up on the skills and some areas of the tosa trails requires good balance along the ledges of the river. It appears it is easier to get more aggressive when I am covered up from head to toe with cool weather riding gear which protects your skin. I ran up along a few trees with my shoulders and arms that for sure would of been some good scrapes without the clothing on to protect them.