Thursday, August 21, 2008

Shopping Spree

Since Ty helped knock off a huge chunk of our to do list we decided it was time for a reward. Let's say Santa arrived a bit early this year because he knows Ty is such a good boy. cough, cough ,cough


Roger said...

Niiiccee!!! Good for you!

velogrrl said...

very nice!

if that is what happens when you do your "to do" list, I guess I should start doing mine!!

Unknown said...

Awesome!! Congrats on the new two-wheeled friend. Well-deserved Ty!

Anonymous said...

whoa....very nice. I bet you can't wait to initiate it this weekend. The only thing I suggest is lowering the seat a looks a bit high :)

Anonymous said...

pretty...congrats on your new bike. Can't wait to see it this weekend! (I assume you'll have it with you this weekend??)

old 'n slow said...

Swing that steed past our homestead - Lynne needs a bit of a pick-me-up after her crash last night at CR.
