Saturday, March 29, 2008
Another Kitchen Gadget
Friday, March 28, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Prescribed Recovery
The other half of me also likes to cook and it has been a while since I posted one of my dinners. I have tons of pictures and recipes but don't have the time to share with all of you. I might start up a cooking blog when I retire. So this month's bon appetit had a recipe for lamb chops with dried cherries and port. 30 minutes time.
I have also been exploring Lactic Acid Fermentation and experimenting with various things in my diet such as the alcohol. I enjoy a glass of wine, I won't kid any of you, I love to catch a buzz. Unfortunately a glass a wine with dinner and few more on the weekends adds up to a lot of crap which make my legs feel like cement cylinders. So as I investigate it may not be the "lactic acid build up" but what I have to buffer or help the level of the pH in my blood stream in order to convert all the chemical reactions. Simple but very complex. I decided to do a test and WA LA, the legs don't feel like lead when I avoid alcohol for long periods of time. Hmmm, this is going to be difficult.

So after a week or so without certain chemical concoctions, Ty and I enjoyed a Mexican Dinner at La Perla last night in celebration of recovery week. My will power had jumped off the shoulder and the devil prodded my decision to split a Margarita with Ty.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Melt Down Begins
After the ride I stopped in to pick up a nickle bag of fresh coffee to share with my friends at work who are jonesin for a good cup by now.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Squeezing every ounce of sunshine
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Thursday, March 06, 2008
The Domination of Nature
I hit the road after a few checks, tires, tube, water, phone camera, gel... I decide to take the parkway route instead of Burleigh out to Pewaukee, for some reason riding on the city streets around five o'clock rush hour does not excite me, especially when drivers are trying to avoid pot holes, I certainly would not win. I wore my winter riding jacket and just the Craft wool cold weather shirt, since it was a bit warm and I knew I would start sweating soon. I forgot that the wind is wicked cold when riding the road bike since it is much faster then the MTB and it was whipping inside my gloves and my fingers were practically numb right away. Thirty minutes into my ride I was just feeling comfortable and it looked like the sun was starting to set.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Random thoughts
I would like to know where some of my books are? If anyone borrowed them and you are finished could you please return them. I tend to "borrow" things to people who I thought were responsible and I would hope to get my stuff back eventually without having to make a list of who has what. It is not that I really care or that I even remember I have this "stuff" but if you borrow something, maybe you should write a note to yourself to remember to return it to it's owner.
We went to a Holiday Party in the neighborhood this past weekend and the "new" neighbors redesigned their kitchen and it is to die for. To top it off, there home is spotless and free of clutter just like in those nice home magazines. After the party I was motivated to make our home look anal and uncluttered. I started with the office desk which so busy. Invaded by at least twenty cords to various machines such as the printer, phone, computer screen, lights, camera, scanner, headphones, keyboards, speakers...I am surprised the dam house has not burned down yet. So I bought a plastic accordion looking tube to hide all those nasty cords in. I have to say it looks more organized and I am one step closer to that perfect magazine home.
I went to powerflex class last night at the gym and the awesome instructor was there and the class was packed and I was lucky to scathe a spot for myself. I usually can never make her classes due to work. I have had other instructors for this class but they all SUCK and it pisses me off that I pay for this gym membership and they only have a few decent instructors who know what the hell they are doing. Anyway...Wendy sure knows how to push you to your limits and just when you think you have a break she makes you get down and do 100 push-ups UGH!
I saw a few patients in the past month who had fallen on the ice and took some pretty good spills. I had one elderly man who takes public transportation fall at least four times and hit his head trying to walk home. Luckily a good citizen saw what had happened and drove him home and made sure he was ok they unfortunately did not know he should of really got checked out in urgent care. Four days later he was in my office complaining of a headache all week, nausea and that he was sleeping with a bucket next to his bed because he was throwing up. RED FLAG, he was off for a CT scan of his head down in the ER.
I am on day #6 no refined sugar, candy or other crap that falls into this category. Candy at work, lying around at home, parties with endless desserts...these little bite here and there have added up to 3 lbs on the scale and I HAVE NOT been sitting on my ass. Top it off, I had my body fat calculated by a fellow co-worker with the calipers and that put me over the edge. Speaking of CRAP food, one of my friends so politely pointed out that "Fritos" is made with corn, oil and salt, that's good for you? more CORN!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Burning Calories
Happy Days are here again! Five more Days and we will be unleashed from the darkness.