Wisconsin weather can go from minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit one day and semi blizzard the next. I headed to the dentist earlier today on my break from work and the roads at 1:30 PM were starting to get powdery. Well 5:00PM came around and it was time to go home. As I walked out on the sky walk from the hospital, I could see grid lock in all directions leaving this complex. NICE! I thought, now I get to spend my night off of riding driving in the car for an hour for a 2.5 mile commute. Yes, I know I should ride my bike to work and I am actually thinking about a plan for this coming season. So instead of being pissed off at the dam traffic, I managed to slither out the back way around the hospital and onto the main road. A bit of grid lock for about 30 minutes, but once I hit the TOSA bridge I turned right instead of left and took the side streets instead of the main that everyone else was waiting to take. AS I turned off and then headed off the beaten path, I got stuck behind a FORD Truck going up this little hill so I road along side of him since there was no oncoming traffic on this side street. The bastard did not even turn on his blinker to turn right just at the crest of the top of the hill climb and it would of been a close call if I was behind him. He turned and looked at me and smiled like he thought that was funny. I laughed cause I have the ELEMENT and kicked his ass up that hill and did not have to wait for his sorry ass. Then I was free to roam the streets with no obstacles now. The ELEMENT handles extremely well in the snowy conditions and it is a blast to drive, almost like mountain bike racing. This is the most fun I had in awhile. I can't wait to hit the trails soon! I miss it!
I love driving on the side streets in the snow with 4WD/AWD. On a really snowy night I often will take the side streets to the gym instead of the plowed main street, it's just more fun. Makes great snow crunching sounds, too. Lake Shore Drive (along the lakefront here) can be really fun before they plow it, too, as long as there isn't too much traffic.
The element is good in the snow because it has a go cart engine that doesn't have enough power to spin the tires.
My tires are shit on my new car. Next winter we're getting snow tires and that's that. Love the altima. . . hate the tires (in snow).
Your taking the Element on the trails?
aw gees the snow looks kinda fun though!
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