12/2/07 Cycle cross championships. I never made the race with my new bike nor did I make any of the races. I just found other interesting things to do on my weekend mornings besides rush around to get to a race. I sure did have good intentions on doing at least the very last one since my sorry ass never made it to Ice Man either.
12/6/07 A bag of coal and Sweetish Fish
12/8/07 Girls group ride was canceled due to poor trail conditions so I opted for my own slush tour. I ripped my good winter booties on the first crash and did not realize it until my foot went numb.
That evening was Captain Candy's work Christmas Party at the Hilton. We socialized, had a cocktail or two, ate and then split. I was upset that I sat in the wrong seat and did not win the cute Santa snow globe, I was bummed.
12/14/07 To do list: cards, buy more gifts, wrap gifts.
What really got done, a bit of shopping, dinner at Maggiano's and drinks.
12/15/07 Ride in the morning and family Christmas Party at 7:00PM.A Scrumptious buffet and the best part was the home made pettifores.
My other nephew takes up a different interest
Frankie is now 17 months and full of curiosity.
12/16/06 morning ride and TSO concert with the Pedal Moraine Gang. Dinner afterwards at Riverfront Pizzeria in the third ward
The Bradley Center, what an architectural wonder of cement.
Riverfront Pizzeria Bar, pretty snazzy.
The gang cleans up pretty nice.
12/18/07 the cleaning fairies come to get the house in order for the holiday weekend.
12/22/07 prepare for our Christmas Eve Open house. Shop at Sendik's, Pick N Save, get wood for fire place, get alcohol from Ray's, make a few appetizers and put away Christmas Boxes full of left over decorating stuff, get a ride in finally by 7PM.
12/23/07 Last minute food preparations, Captain prepares the delicious Mole sauce for his enchiladas, a favorite recipe handed down by his late grandmother. Then an Evening to remember at the Nigh's pre-New Years Bash, formerly known as their so called Christmas Party.
I saw 10 Christmas trees after a few slippery nipples.
The gracious host and hostess who never undeserved.
I am not kidding when I said I saw ten trees in their house.
12/24/07 8:00AM I hit the porcelain goddess and then again thirty minutes later, repeat about 10 times. I Crawled out of bed at 2:00 PM while Captain not feeling too well, turned the oven on but did not throw in the ham and crawled into bed. We managed to pull off a spectacular Christmas Eve Open house by 4:00PM with great thanks to my mother-in-law Barb who helped me with last minute set up. Thank goodness I have great fitness or I would of been in bed all day.
some pics here of party
12/25/07 Feeling a 100% better. Off to Captain's sister's home for a nice relaxing day then afterwards hit up my friends for some free desert.

12/28/07 shovel, practice taking pics in Tv and Av mode, shovel more, chat with neighbors, take more pics, shovel neighbor walkway's.
Practice pics here