Saturday, August 12, 2006


No, I did not finish a marathon race, the EPIC "Madness" is this dam new computer charting system Froedtert/Medical College installed. It now takes me 10 minutes to write a prescription rather than a few seconds to hand write it on paper. I spent 3 1/2 hours cleaning out my "computer" inbox on Friday morning, thank GOD I did not have any patients to see or I would of been up shit creek. Every 5 minutes something new pops up in my box that I have to take care of from phone messages to lab results to stress test results and refills for meds, it is INSANE! Get this, I finally cleaned out my box after lunch and at 3:45 PM on Friday I had 8 stress test results clicked into my inbox that I had to address. I work for 5 cardiologists and my partner was gone for the day and I was covering her inbox too. To understand where I am coming from you have to pull the patients chart, review the reason the stress test and why it was ordered, then make sure the patient is ok and if the test was positive, you then have to get them in for an appointment soon or that day depending on symptoms. This process alone for each patient can take up to one hour per patient. I love my job as a nurse practitioner and love to see patients but this has gone beyond to what I call a "glorified medical secretary". I am spending endless time on the computer and it takes away from what I really love. I was so upset the other day that when I came home from work, I went for the best training ride of my life. If I had raced that day I would of smoked the competition. I just had to get this off my chest. I think I would make a better sales lady then a secretary, maybe I'll get a job as a drug rep and can this job. Health care is really getting out of hand and I am getting burnt out on it.

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