We headed up to the Shawano Cabin a bit late of Friday since Ty had to drive down to Lake Front Brewery to pick up beer for the team this weekend. After packing the truck we hit the road about 7:30PM. Neither of us ate dinner and the thought of Cousins Subs sounded fab at this point. Heading North on 41, we exited twice to go to Cousins after seeing the sign on the highway only to find no cousins after driving for two miles in the dark, UGH! We drive a little further and Ty suggests Bublitz family Restaurant. We exit again off the highway, park and walk into a restaurant that is only serving until 9:00PM. The time on our watch is now 8:40PM. I asked if they were still open, the manager looked at us like you have got to be kidding and then smiled as he sat us promptly. The place looked a bit worn but we were so hungry by now we did not care. I was a bit skeptical about ordering since the kids that worked there were already preparing to clean up and get out. I ordered a hamburger and as I guessed, it was served cold. The waitress asked if she could get me another one. She came back and told me they closed the grill. Lucky me, I got a microwaved burger.
Off to our destination again only to find the the map was taking us too far South on 22 and we were headed towards Clintonville. JHC! We stopped along the side of the road once we hit near Main street in Manawa. We parked along side this street to look at our Atlas of Wisconsin. It is now about 11:30PM. I hear a voice out my car window coming from inside a house where we were parked. They said to us, "you are here". Then the voice said, "move along now" WTF????
A four hour drive up from Milwaukee that should of taken 2.5 hours was insane. Google and Map quest were both in the trash by the time we arrived at half passed midnight. It was pitch black outside and all we had was this tiny flash light to find the key to the cabin that was hidden. After searching for about ten minutes, no key. Then we went to another area where there is the second key, no luck. After a few calls to the owners cell phone, I got no answer. I went back to the area again and searched and I finally found the key, what a relief. Now we can relax! We had a beer and hit the sack by 2:00AM and slept in until 9:00AM.
Saturdays pre-ride was not marked at 1:00PM other than little pink arrows. I went off on my own and did the front loop three times before April's husband told me I had to cross the street. So I did cross the street and completely missed the tunnel. I kinda found my way somehow by following some others across the farm field. I was not impressed nor discouraged about this section of single track. It just did not seem to flow to well and it had those darn moguls that fit a 29er tire, that were way deeper than the moguls at the 2007 Rhinelander race. The dirt was a bit loose. The forecast for Saturday afternoon included rain, and it sure looked like the possibility of it, but it never happened. This made for more of a baby powder effect in some areas of the single track.
After getting back to the cabin, peeps were rolling in, one by one. Some of them mentioned even after 5:00PM the course was still not marked.

Everyone had time to relax Saturday night and watch the beautiful sunset

Matt attempting to make boiled noodles Gourmet style

Regina before or after the beer spilt in her dinner.

Finally a good dinner with friends to top off weekend.

Jerry is checking out just how far he has to duck.

Watching the Sport Race

The start lead us through the bowl which reminded me of a short track course.

Warming up with the Red Baron

I was feeling good heading into the hole shot. The course was set up so that we would do one lap out front which was about 15 minutes and then four laps across the street after you enter the tunnel. Then back across the street for a lap backwards to the finish. Talk about trying to remember all this before a race after riding the course the day before that was not clearly marked, YIKES! I guess you could call it a figure eight type of course.

I had a great race and tested some new territory. I have to say I may of sucked a wheel only once for about 1/8 of a mile the entire race. The most exciting part of the race for me was being upfront for a bit. At this age I will take all that I can get :-) The girls laid down a really good pace and keep it up consistently, which is quite impressive. The single track got pretty baby powder like with each lap. At some point on one of my laps I biffed it trying to impress the comp men of my single track skills :-) Later on I found out from Marcum it was a nasty little root hiding on that corner under all that fluff.

Crossing the finish line knowing I used up the tank.

Girls Love Dirt!

Now you know why they call him Dirty Uncle Ty.

Top 5 Fast Women of the Day!
Congrats to Regina for her first race in expert. Hopefully she won't get bitter because of the very few idiots that are out there on bikes. I think we should be allowed to carry squirt guns during a race :-)
Also kudos to MK for her top five finish and Amelia for scathing a podium spot too!