Don't write me off just yet. I had all good intentions of putting in a good race and someone had to turn up the oven on Sunday morning for the
WORS#3 Big Ring Classic in Wausau Wisconsin. I usually can tolerate the heat like we had last year at Subaru Cup, but being on an antibiotic intensified it ten fold. I could barely ride my bike for the pre-race warm up and suffered on lap one to get warmed up, it SUCKED! I did although have fun on my pre-ride, so much that I actually ventured off into other areas of single track that were marked off, just to have some fun and check if my bike is dialed in. I ended up back on the course after a mile or so and was having so much fun on the back half of the course I planted myself a good one taking loose dirt corner too fast off the road into the pine. So the bruise on my leg was worth the trip. Needless to say, on Sunday for the race, not being able to put in "race effort" feeling dizzy and out of sorts, made me get off the course to prevent injury to myself or others.
I made the best of the day by taking photos and being a super fan!
I always end up in the right place at the right time for some awesome photos of the Men's Pro/Cat 1 Race as well as a few other photos