Phillips once again brought good weather and a lot of fun for the Alterra gang. Luckily Timmy, AKA (little beotch) and his wife Michelle got up to Phillips a bit early to secure a spot for there good old teamates that he misses so dearly. We had a great turn out, about a dozen or so from our team whom made it up for the annual Bump fighter classic. We had some victories as well as defeats this past weekend and I am sure we all have our stories to tell.
My start for once was actually great. I punched it in full gear and stayed in the lead pack, drafting once we got on the gravel road. Just at the crest of the hill on the gravel road a huge black pick up truck came blazing by us nearly causing a few casualities. Wow, you think your adrenaline is pumped at the start of the race can you imagine thinking on crashing into an oncomming truck, YIKES! So Skillicorn slid into the front pack in front of me and I was pumped to keep the pace into the single track. Just at the turn into the single track we see people dismounting which means no one is getting up that first climb alive. Then I was back on track trying bruttally to keep up with the leaders. I can't remember when or where during the race that I started to feel fatigue like I was getting beat up. The thoughts come into to your head and can play funny tricks in which these thoughts can get pretty critical if you let the negativism take over. I remember that song, Staying Alive by the BEE GEES and I kept repeating it to myself especially on the second lap. Finally I knocked some sense into myself and decided to catch a few if possible. I caught up to two girls somewhere on the third lap that looked like they were struggling on the hill climbs. I sat back, sucked a gel and waited for the attack. Once we hit the top, I was off into the sunset. The finish to me was great, and I hammered it almost catching Cheryl, (who passed me somewhere on the second or third lap)at the finish. To my suprise, I did not finish too bad and actually had fun on the last lap. Well, I have to say it is difficult at times to keep positive mid season while everyone else is blowing smoke up your ***
I think things are comming around and I look forward to the second half of the season. My fortune cookie today said, "Something wonderful is going to happen in your life"
Thanks agian to John Lirette and Jeff Melcher for the diagnosis and treatment of my shifting problems and to Brittnay for the cold water handouts in the grassy desert.